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Spiritual Saidou

Spiritual Saidou is a renowned & Top astrologer in New York. He is practicing in the field of astrology for more than 25 years and has solved more than 15k+ cases till now and the number of good results is still adding to his achievements. spiritual saidou's astrology services are for people who seek to deeply understand themselves. You'll learn about your strengths, and weaknesses, and how to make the most of your life. With his knowledge and skills inherited from his grandfather, he helps people to live happy & comfortable life. His family has been associated with this community for many years. They have been serving New York for many years and provide our customers with peace of mind by providing them with honest insight into their lives. Read more

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Spiritual Saidou

Spiritual Saidou provides professional astrological services in New York. He studied the art of astrology from childhood and has been providing accurate astrology forecasts to his clients for many years. He can make predictions for marriages, careers, or relationship problems through his personal horoscope that includes the birth details of a person including the rising sign and planets at the time of birth. Astrologers also see what might go wrong as well as what could go right with you in your future.

Wealth ProblemDivorce Problem
Get Ex-Love Back

Get Ex-Love Back

Love is an extremely powerful emotion. It gives you a sense of completeness and happiness and can make you feel like you're the most important person in the world. Couples who are in love resolve to spend their lives together

Get Your Ex-Love Back

Psychic Reading

Psychic readings can be a great help in many ways. You'll get a clear idea about yourself and your life by knowing the different aspects of it. You can make wiser choices for your life if you are aware of the spirits that are present.

Get Your Ex-Love Back

Face Reading

Our inner essence, personality, and unique characteristics are reflected in our faces. People can make accurate judgments about us by looking at the features and expressions on our faces. These features help us to evaluate people quickly and accurately.

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Spiritual Healing

People frequently feel stress in their lives, which can lead to issues. When misery or other issues arise, it can cause serious worry. Working long hours can cause a number of problems in daily life. Both their experts and personal issues are a hindrance.


Spiritual Saidou

He is known as the most reputable and competent astrologer in New York, offering the best services. He is a member of a family of skilled astrologers who work to support and direct individuals in various ways to address and resolve their difficulties. He has received good training from generation to generation and possesses considerable knowledge.

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Spiritual Saidou

He is regarded as one of New York's top astrologers. He was taught all facets of astrology by his ancestors because he comes from an Indian astrological family. He has worked in the field of astrology for more than 35 years and has helped many people with their difficulties. He is a master at horoscope and psychic reading. His astrological consulting is well-known in New York. issues with astrology, such as love, marriage, relationships, and horoscope reading.

Ganesh chakkarGanesh Ji
25+ years


A well-known astrologer in New York and highly regarded by his clients.

100% Privacy


He maintains the privacy of his clients by keeping their information secure.

15000+ followers


His hard work has brought him many customers from all over New York.

365 Days Available

365Days Available

He is always available to help people and all inquiries are answered promptly.


Spiritual Saidou

Pandit Ji always consults with people who are having difficulties and helps them find the right way to deal with their problems. By following his advice, you can move in the proper way. He is a genuine astrologer who offers solutions that last. His dedication, effort, and attention to psychic reading and astrology have helped him attain New York's highest recognition as an expert in this field. This experience has given him only one ambition in life: to make the world a peaceful and prosperous place.

Marriage Problems

Marriage Problems

One of life's most significant events is marriage. Making a commitment to someone is both amazing and difficult. Living together as a couple can not be as easy as it sounds. Remember that having mutual respect and understanding are essential elements of a healthy relationship, but that it's also okay to take occasional time for yourself. Every beginning is easy, but the middle of the journey is often challenging and uneven. Marrying your partner can be like that—differences of opinion, polar opposite mindsets, and a lack of willingness to compromise on both sides result in a never-ending cycle of husband-wife relationship issues and circumstances you never anticipated.

Palm Reading

Palm Reading

Palm reading is a tool used by many people to help predict future events and what the person's true nature is. By examining the skin on your hands, you can learn many things about your personality and the way you think. Palm reading also known as palmistry or chiromancy uses three basic types of information: the shape of your hands and fingers, the lines on your hands, and the color of your skin. Your size is determined by how long your fingers are and how much room there is between them. Your hand's lines, or its folds' shapes, can show you what to expect from your future. The color of your skin tells us if you're healthy or not. Palm reading has been practiced for centuries. It allows you to learn about someone by analyzing the lines and patterns on their hand. You can tell by a person's personality type, health status, and even if they are going to fall in love soon! Palm reading is done using various methods including looking at the shape of each line.

Job & Business Problems

Job & Business Problems

Running a business is challenging. It takes time, energy, effort, and leadership to make a company successful. Some entrepreneurs have these qualities naturally through birth or upbringing, but some people take time to develop them. However, after acquiring those skills and developing that particular mindset for business, certain problems can cause even the most powerful person to fail. To solve any difficulty you are facing in your business-related endeavors, you should look toward astrology as your guiding force.

Get Ex-Love Back

Get Ex-Love Back

Love is an extremely powerful emotion. It gives you a sense of completeness and happiness and can make you feel like you're the most important person in the world. Couples who are in love resolve to spend their lives together, but as time goes on their relationship becomes more strained, and arguments begin to arise. Eventually, their compatibility and understanding begin to fade just as much as does their love for one another. When two people disagree, it could be challenging for them to come to an amicable solution. Eventually, they split up and are lost in their own worlds.

Horoscope Reading

Horoscope Reading

The horoscope reading is a complex procedure of casting horoscopes based on the information in the natal chart. The astrologer will read your star chart and draw up an astrological report that tells you what your chart means at the date and time of your birth, as well as details about your character and personality. A Kundli can help you gain an insight into your own future, and take a look at the life that is lined up for you. Your financial future is tied to your chart, which is represented by the planets in your birth time. According to this chart as well as your zodiac sign and other aspects of your personality, you have a certain amount of promise or problem areas in all 12 categories of a Kundli.

Cheating SpellSpiritual Healing
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Spiritual Saidou

Due to his honesty and diligence, he has earned a reputation as a respected astrologer and provides astrological advice to anyone who seeks it. He is a practitioner for over 25+ years and spends most of his time learning as much as possible about astrology. His life revolves around astrology as he likes to consult people on various matters. Some of his clients have given valuable feedback about his work.

Jasper Law

New York, USA


I went with him for a horoscope reading and very good experience, he was able to find my birth chart and predicted my future surrounding my job. I am happy with his prediction. Highly recommended to everyone.

Lauren Clifton

Florida, USA


I am totally impressed by his predictions and analysis. I got all my remedies and worship materials from spiritual saidou Ji. I highly recommend this for all you New York astrology lovers.

Eric Staples

New York, USA


I would like to thank you for all the help your healing sessions have given to my family. You're a great healer, and you work with dedication. I sincerely appreciate that you are always willing to lend a hand when we need it.

Drew Smith

San Diego, USA


Regarding her understanding of astrology, he has consistently been dependable, accurate, and consistent. Knowing a few things about myself has made me very happy, and I have the utmost pleasure in recommending her.